
Re: new location for LVS-HOWTOs

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: new location for LVS-HOWTOs
From: "Jacob Coby" <jcoby@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 1 Dec 2003 17:33:09 -0500
> I'm not convinced. This will not sort entries by date. Imagine following
> two (fictive, but syntactically and semantically correct) error_logs:

That's a bit out there, don't you think?  IIRC, the context was how to take
several rotated logs, blob them back together for weekly analysis, for which
case my example works fine.

If you're trying to stitch error logs from seperate sources, then yes, it
become less-trivial, and you're better off going with a scripting language
to do the stitching.


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