
Hardware suggestions for a high volume Linux webserver cluster?

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Hardware suggestions for a high volume Linux webserver cluster?
From: "John Kim" <jkim@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 12 Feb 2004 14:42:31 -0800

We're considering setting up a cluster of Linux webservers with some sort of
a load balancer that can handle up to about 10 million hits per day (~116
hits/sec). The web content would not be very interactive -- just a static
map (~100 kb) of a natural disaster event. Could you please make some
recommendations for a Linux webserver configuration and/or a load balancer?
Number of servers, memory, cpu, disk(s), etc. I'm trying to get an idea of
how much we'd have to spend on hardware, and hope to tap into the experience
of people who are already successfully running a cluster of Linux

I talked to a government agency doing something similar (with similar
expected web traffic) and they said they run 2 Sun Sparcstations, each w/
4gig memory, coupled with a Cisco LocalDirector load balancer. Their website
is far more interactive than what we envision, but I imagine we need
something in the same ballpark.



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