
Re: LVS-DR w/ fwmarks and no VIP on director

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS-DR w/ fwmarks and no VIP on director
From: Sheldon Hearn <sheldonh@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 08 Apr 2004 15:06:20 +0200
On Thu, 2004-04-08 at 14:52, Joseph Mack wrote:

> > Can I set the director up so that it doesn't have the VIPs configured on
> > any of its interfaces? 
> yes. This is one of the features of fwmark.
> This is explained in some detail in the HOWTO (along with lots of other
> detail, which may have caused you to miss what you were looking for). 
> It does require a little thinking to set up.

Yeah, I just can't see it at all.  I've read HOWTO.fwmark and section
8.2. (Routing to and accepting packets by a VIP-less director), and I
don't see anything that turns on a light bulb above my head. :-)

> Horms,
>       Do you know if transparent proxy is going to work with LVS for 
> 2.6?

I read all the warnings about TPROXY and various versions of Linux since
2.0.  However, I thought they applied to the situation when you have
TPROXY on the director.  In my case, I'll have TPROXY on the
realservers, so I think it'll be fine.

The real trouble will come when I have to figure out how to get the load
balancers on the other side of the Zorp cluster to ensure that return
traffic goes back through the proxy it came in through. :-)

So can you give me a clue on the VIP-less director trick?

And thanks for the interest so far.


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