
Re: iptables and LVS

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: iptables and LVS
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 8 Jun 2004 18:49:46 +0900
On Fri, Jun 04, 2004 at 10:07:04AM -0400, Nielsen, Steve wrote:
> I want to run iptables and LVS on the same box. My LVS setup will be as 
> follows (NAT based):
>                internet
>                   +
>                   |
>                   +
>                  lvs 
>                   +
>                   |
>          +--------+---------+
>          |                  |
>      real server        real server
> I want to establish iptables rules which will do the following:
> 1. Disallow all new connections from the outside to the lvs box except
> for traffic destined for the VIP/ports I have defined in LVS.  

Likely the easiset way to do this is just to add some standard
filtering rules to the input chain.

A slightly more sophisticated approach would be to mark the
packets with a firewall mark. Then allow netfilter to
drop or accept packets based on this, and LVS to identify virtual
services based on this.

> 2.  Allow inbound/outbound traffic for established/related connections
> on the LVS box.

If you are talking about packets that originate from the LVS box,
just filter them as you would on any other firewall.

> So in a sense the lvs box is a "firewall" but only to protect itself.
> I have read the LVS HOW-TO section 17.1 which talks about running LVS
> and netfilter together on the same box.  It mentions the ipvs_nfct
> module.  Do I need to do this for this situation?  The HOW-TO is not
> very clear.  It mentions on one hand in section 17.1 that you need the
> nfct module but then at the end of 17.1 it says: "You can (and always
> have been able to) use firewall rules that match by device, proto,
> port or IP, without using ipvs netfilter connection tracking module,
> ipvs_nfct.".  So my question is when do you need the module and when
> do you not need it? 

To be honest I do know know the ins and outs of the ipvs_nfct module
(though I have a feeling I am about to). But my understanding that
combining contrack and LVS looks like this.

  LVS-NAT:                             Conntrack works as is
  LVS-DR and LVS TUN (not FTP-DATA)    Conntrack works if you use ipvs_nfct
  LVS-DR and LVS TUN (FTP-DATA)        Does not work, as LVS don't see
                                       the packet _from_ the real server
                                       with the port information.

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