Hey all
I have a problem with LVS and some routing , I have a relay
server in my cluster and each time the relay server connects to a other
server outsite my cluster it comes from my directors_vipm, how can
i change this ?
set up
director_vip main ip address is 195.x.x.66
director_vip listen on 195.x.x.75:25 and directs it to
--command uses to make the route
/sbin/ipvsadm -a -t 195.x.x.75:25 -r -m -w 2
when connects to an server on the internet it connectres
from 195.x.x.66 and not 195.x.x.75 , can it be changed so it comes from
195.x.x.75 ?
Best Regards
Per Jørgensen