

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: LVS-DR
From: Josef Pospisil <Jelcin@xxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 01 Feb 2005 15:14:47 +0100
Dear Mailinglist,

I have got a problem with LVS-DR. I have set it up like in the LVS-Mini-Howto <> and everything worked fine as long as the client Computer was in the same subnet as the director and realservers. Than I thougt i could give it try when the client is placed somewhere in the Internet. I have set the Router up to forward traffic which is going to port 80 to the VIP And of course i have set up a default route on the realservers which is directing to the router (the realservers are both running a HTTP-Server). So now the Client is connecting via www to the router and he is beeing redirected to the VIP But somehow this setup doesnt work. I can't see any of the websites placed on the realservers. But when i forward the traffic directly to one of the realservers everything just works fine. I have really no idea why this isn't working and would be glad if someone could help me. And plz don't blame me if the problem is obvious.

|Internet |
                    |               |
                   | Router with   |
                    |    NAT (IPCOP)|
                  CIP=SGW= (eth0)
            __________    |
           |          |   |   (VIP=, eth0:110)
           | director |---|
           |__________|   |   DIP= (eth0)
         |                                 |
         |                                 |
RIP=             RIP=
(VIP=, lo:0)          (VIP=, lo:0)
   ____________                       ____________
  |            |                     |            |
  | realserver |                     | realserver |
  |____________|                     |____________|

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