

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS-DR
From: Josef Pospisil <Jelcin@xxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 05 Feb 2005 01:08:48 +0100
Horms wrote:

On Wed, Feb 02, 2005 at 01:13:45AM -0500, Joseph Mack wrote:
Josef Pospisil wrote:
Dear Mailinglist,

I have got a problem with LVS-DR. I have set it up like in the
and everything worked fine as long as the client Computer was in the
same subnet as the director and realservers. Than I thougt i could give
it try when the client is placed somewhere in the Internet. I have set
the Router up to forward traffic which is going to port 80 to the VIP And of course i have set up a default route on the
realservers which is directing to the router (the realservers are both
running a HTTP-Server). So now the Client is connecting via www to the
router and he is beeing redirected to the VIP But somehow
this setup doesnt work. I can't see any of the websites placed on the
realservers. But when i forward the traffic directly to one of the
realservers everything just works fine. I have really no idea why this
isn't working and would be glad if someone could help me. And plz don't
blame me if the problem is obvious.
The router might be wierd (look for "wierd hardware" in the HOWTO).

Does it still work if you have two networks on the LVS and take out the router?

I would try running tcpdump on your Linux Director, and also
examining the connection table - ipvsadm -Lcn, to try
and track down the point of the breakage. In particular, to
see if the packets are making it to the linux director at all.
And if so, are they being recognised as being for the Virtual Service,
perhaps there is some strangeness in the destination IP of the packets
that causes LVS not to recognise them.

Now i solved the Problem it was the router making trouble. It wasn't enaugh to forward Port 80 (via IPCOPs webinterface) to the VIP. I also had to add some IPTable rules manualy. Thanks for the help.


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