
Re: VIP setting at Director(LVS-DR)

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: VIP setting at Director(LVS-DR)
From: Kwijibo <kwijibo@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 02 Feb 2005 22:35:16 -0700
Keepalived must be doing some magic for me in the background
then that I don't quite understand.  I have an LVS-DR setup that has
only a single IP that is only used for management.  None of my
VIP addresses show up in ifconfig and I never explicitly set them.
Yet it answers ARP requests for the VIP's.

Joseph Mack wrote:

kwijibo@xxxxxxxxxx wrote:
Why do you have to set it like either?  As far as I know
you shouldn't have to explicitly set a VIP on the director.

yes but then you have to get the director to accept the packets.
As yet this isn't done by LVS (although it would be nice)


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