
Re: LVS-DR ssh service

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, grahamp@xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: LVS-DR ssh service
From: Karen Shepelak <shepelak@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 03 Feb 2005 11:19:24 -0600
I just tried to install the noarp module. I am using " noarp-1.2.3.tar.gz" for 2.4.21-27.0.1.ELsmp from . The instructions say to run ./configure which runs to completion without error. Then the instructions say to run the "make" command. When I run "make" I get the
following result:

[root@minos03 noarp-1.2.3]# make
make: *** No targets.  Stop.

[root@minos03 noarp-1.2.3]# pwd

An ls of the makefile shows that it is empty.

[root@minos03 noarp-1.2.3]# ls -ltr Mak*
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000         3362 Nov  3  2003
-rw-r--r--    1 1000     1000        21018 Nov  3  2003
-rw-r--r--    1 root     root            0 Feb  3 10:50 Makefile

I tried another version of noarp tar file and get the same result. Should I specify one of the
other Makefiles listed?


Graham Purcocks wrote:

Use the Noarp module with RHES3.0 it solves all this messing about.

The only problem is RHES3.0 has a version.h which compiles for all 3 versions and The Noarp configure doesn't cope with this. To fix, edit out the #define UTS_RELEASE lines you are not using then configure and compile. We have been using it for years the RH7, 9, and ES3 and it works beautifully.

Joseph Mack wrote:

Karen Shepelak wrote:

Hi all,

      I am not having any luck getting ssh service to run to LVS
running on LTS3.0,
kernel 2.4.21-20.ELsmp. Main problem seems to be in getting rid of arp
Odd thing is that after having used the "Horms method" to the
realservers, telnet
service to LVS works ok. I tried installing the suggested "hidden" patch
for this kernel to see if it would control the arp issues differently
enough to get ssh
service to work, but the patch will not install with this kernel.

If you can get telnet to work, then you should be able to get ssh to work. That you can't indicates that your system is not working as you've described it. Either you don't have the arp problem solved or the LVS isn't load balancing
I know people with distributions want to keep using the kernels that come with them, but for now try a plain vanilla kernel, which will accept the hidden
patch. If you really want to go back to your distribution's kernel then
you can do that after you have your LVS working.



Karen Shepelak
SCS-GROUP (Scientific Computing Support)
FERMILAB (Work: 630-840-2715 -- Pager:630-266-2383 -- FAX:630-840-6345)

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