
Re: ssh service using lvs-dr

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>, mack.joseph@xxxxxxx
Subject: Re: ssh service using lvs-dr
From: Karen Shepelak <shepelak@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 07 Feb 2005 12:11:25 -0600
We are tunneling kerberos and afs authentication through ssh.

Joseph Mack wrote:

Karen Shepelak wrote:
Hi Joe,

    I am not sure I understand what you mean by "LVS them" ?? Do
you mean create a VIP for them?

you'll have to forward (by LVS) calls to the ports that listen for kerberos.
Some of the ports for kerberos have got to be callbacks (I assume). Handling 
is problematic - you need a kerberos helper (like the ftp helper for LVS)
or else do what we did for ftp in the early days - use persistence to port 0
(ie to all ports).

Kerberos tickets get granted ok.

I can't imagine that it's occuring through LVS. Do you have entries
in `ipvsadm ` for the various kerberos ports or are you tunnelling
kerberos through ssh?

We are having trouble getting afs tokens created.

I think you've got a bit of work cut out to LVS all of this


Karen Shepelak
SCS-GROUP (Scientific Computing Support)
FERMILAB (Work: 630-840-2715 -- Pager:630-266-2383 -- FAX:630-840-6345)

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