On Tue, 4 Oct 2005, Dan Trainor wrote:
Hello, all -
I am curious as to which scheduling method I should think about using.
I'm brand new to LVS, and don't think I quite understand the concept.
What I was looking for, was a system that would provide load balancing
and distribution,
looking at your original posting again, I still say the
answer is yes LVS can do it.
and the load balancer or distributor itself
(LinuxDirector?) would be aware of the states of the
machines for which it balanced (RealServers?),
yes if you mean tcp states
and would distribute the load according to the least
loaded machine.
LVS is aware of the number of connections to the realservers
and schedules the next connection in a manner dependant on
the scheduler (eg round robin, least connected...) However
LVS doesn't know about the load on the realserver, so Horms
is right - go see Jeremy project on the Redfishsoftware
site. However if the director is balancing enough
connections, the load will even out on the realservers.
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
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