
Re: Ldirectord and DNS problem using TCP and UDP

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Ldirectord and DNS problem using TCP and UDP
From: Todd Lyons <tlyons@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2005 11:50:57 -0700
David Craigon wanted us to know:

>Hi there,
>       I'm trying to configure a DNS recursive resolver (cache)
>cluster. I am attempting to use ldirectord to detect realserver failure.
>Now, in my configuration file I want to do something like this:
>       service=dns
>       protocol=udp
>       service=dns
>       protocol=tcp
>since DNS uses both UDP and TCP. Unfortunately ldirectord doesn't like
>this config- it gets confused and thinks there is a duplicate config in
>the file saying "duplicate virtual server". But the service is on UDP
>and TCP, so they are different. Any advice? Is this a bug?

Yes.  ldirectord needs to be adjusted to check for tcp/udp specification
and set it.  The Net::DNS::Resolver has an function usevc(int) that
tells it to use TCP instead of UDP.  You could probably add the code if
you knew which hash it was in.  Something like $$r{"protocol"}, but that
is 100% guess on my part.
Regards...              Todd
we're off on the usual strange tangents.  next will be whether
it is ethical to walk in your neighbor's open house if they're
running ipv6:-).                                  --Randy Bush
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