Dan Trainor wanted us to know:
>Sorry for stealing the thread, and all indications indicate freenode's
>#linux-ha, but I've idled in there for like a week and I haven't seen a
>single person talk.
I stopped hanging out there about 2 weeks ago because it was a fair
amount of discussion, all about Linux-HA 2.0, and I'm still running
older 1.x code, so it didn't really behoove me to hang out there. The
developers are talking all the time in my recollection. I can't speak
as to if it's changed in the past two weeks.
>I've done a bit of research trying to find out where you folks live in
>IRC. Are we just meeting on freenode's #linux-ha?
Only one I've been alerted to :-/
Regards... Todd
we're off on the usual strange tangents. next will be whether
it is ethical to walk in your neighbor's open house if they're
running ipv6:-). --Randy Bush
Linux kernel 2.6.12-12mdksmp load average: 0.20, 0.31, 0.21