> > Since there seems to be a lot of problems with configuring
> > https, can somebody comment on what the LVS engine does
> > differently for http and https mode?
> nothing. The director is just a router with slightly
> different rules than a regular layer-4 router, but it's
> still a router. It doesn't look at the content of packets
> or treat port 443 any differently than any other port.
That's what I first thought too. But then I have 2 stupid questions: why are
there 2 options for http and https if they do the same
thing? And more importantly - why did one of them work and the other one
didn't? Are you sure that it doesn't start doing
certificate checks or something like that?
I think I remember getting some error message in the ldirectord logs regarding
mismatch between certificate name and requested URL
or something like that when I was using "service=https". After I changed it to
"service=http" it worked.