> > I didn't try to ping the real server from the director, but the director
> > couldn't use the real server in the load-balancing (connections were 0)
> > until I manually did an arp -s on the real server.
> This was why I thought you were running LVS-NAT. Never seen
> this, even with LVS-NAT. You are running the initial setup
> without any iptables rules or anything funny on the network?
It is LVS-NAT (I mentioned that in the first message). It's a pretty
standard setup (with keepalived, fwiw). The director has iptables but it
just acts as a firewall. Nothing funny on the network that I know of.
Given that the director is obviously answering an ARP but giving the wrong
NIC's address, I've gotta think the problem lies in the director. I mean, if
it didn't get the answer from the director, who else would give it the MAC
of the director's NIC? Could the switch possibly be to blame?