i'm having a problem using fwmark-services on a debain sarge box, kernel
2.6.8-2-386 with ipvsadm 1.2.0,
the connection listing shows:
pro expire state source virtual destination
IP 03:38 ERR!
That's not good! Either the app handler couldn't properly register the
ip_vs_protocol, or packets flagged with appropriate fwmarks do not enter
the IPVS code.
Also your virtual service entry looks completely bogus, so I suspect
either your kernel or your user space binaries are wrong. What kind of
machine do you use? 32/64bit?
Could you try a more recent debian kernel, please?
I used the follwoing iptables and ipvsadm command:
/sbin/iptables -t mangle -A PREROUTING -p tcp -s \
-d --d port 80 -j MARK --set-mark 4
ipvsadm -A -f 4 -s wrr
ipvsadm -a -f 4 -r -g -w 100
ipvsadm -a -f 4 -r -g -w 100
This looks correct. How does your resulting ipvsadm -L -n look?
Non marked nodes are working fine, modules looks ok and complete, the
same script works on on a kernel 2.4.26.
Did anybody came across this ?
Nope, not seen as such. Also please set the debug level in /proc/.../vs/
to 5 or so and dump the kernlog entries here for the setup and one
request please.
Roberto Nibali, ratz
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