Hello list
I have been dealing with this from a week ago and have no idea of what
is happening.
I'm experimenting with linux-ha, for that purpose I have 2 Pentium 3
machines with Centos 4.2, and heartbeat 2.0.4-1 installed from rpms
downloaded from Ultramonkey,
http://www.ultramonkey.org/download/heartbeat/, those machines will be
runing NFS services is the Active and is the pasive,
I have just one Ehternet card on each and a NULL Modem cable conecting them.
When I try to start heartbeat I got the following
[root@srv3 ha.d]# service heartbeat start
logd is already running
Starting High-Availability services:
2006/05/12_12:18:08 INFO: IPaddr Resource is stopped
*This is the /etc/ha.d/ha.cf file*
serial /dev/ttyS0
baud 19200
logfacility daemon
keepalive 1
deadtime 10
warntime 5
initdead 120 # depend on your hardware
udpport 694
bcast eth0
auto_failback off
node srv3
node srv4
respawn hacluster /usr/lib64/heartbeat/ipfail
use_logd yes
*This is the **/etc/ha.d/**haresources file*
srv3.novadevices.local nfs
*And finally this is the /etc/ha.d/authfile*
auth 2
2 crc
Any ideas?