OK, I have LVS-DR set up. From another host on the same subnet as the
director, I can connect to port 80 of the VIP with telnet and see a
response from one realserver, then the other. All is well, right?
Wrong! From browsers, I always get a response from one realserver.
Shift-reloads do not make it change. No, there is no proxy server,
Squid, cache, etc.
I'm looking for a log file or something that shows what IPVS is doing in
realtime to help troubleshoot this. Just running ipvsadm isn't
helping... it always shows:
[root@quark ~]# ipvsadm
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP rr
-> Route 1 0 0
-> Route 1 0 0
I installed telnetd on both realservers and configured LVS to do that,
and it works perfectly. I'm really stumped here... all indications are
that LVS is working correctly, but I always get a response from one
realserver when trying a test web page. What can I do to figure this
* John Oliver http://www.john-oliver.net/ *
* *