Hello Per,
Yeah, it's been a while - I've been busy getting this LVS setup ready
for prime time.
Good to hear, although I hope this was not your only occupation the last
couple of months :).
Yes, there's always a chance. You check for SYN/ACK flags and clamp
mss there, probably killing fragmented packets (which could be
generated with such things like Word or PDF attachments). I would need
to take a deeper look at what you've created this time :).
Just what I was hoping for :-)
I'm probably not able to look at this until Friday night because I'm
about to leave for vacation and thus need to coordinate a few things in
my projects.
The customer is always wrong! Is there a possibility that you do not
fix this using iptables but by adjusting the route mtu? Could you show
us the output of:
ip -o -s -s route show cache
See http://jessen.ch/files/route-show-cache (this is from real server
Hmmm, is this with your hotfix applied?
LVS setup -
one director at with 4 real servers via masquerading
over IPIP tunnels. The tunnels are using 10.0.1.x.
Any you've mentioned that PMTU is working correctly between client and
Roberto Nibali, ratz
'[q]sa[ln0=aln256%Pln256/snlbx]sb3135071790101768542287578439snlbxq' | dc