
Re: Multiple ports on real servers

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Multiple ports on real servers
From: "Mindaugas" <mind@xxxxx>
Date: Fri, 24 Nov 2006 16:48:44 +0200
I need the following setup preferably with LVS-NAT:
VIP:80   --> RS1:80, RS1:81, RS1:82, RS2:80, RS2:81, RS2:82

VIP:80 goes to 6 realservers (which are running on 2 boxes, but the director doesn't know that).

 Problem is that :80 does not work on LVS-NAT. IPVS does not
change destination port.

VIP:8080 --> RS1:80, RS1:81, RS1:82, RS2:80, RS2:81, RS2:82
VIP:9080 --> RS1:80, RS1:81, RS1:82, RS2:80, RS2:81, RS2:82

3 open ports on real servers because I'd like to run 3 instances of
Squid on each to better utilize 4 cores (plus one more application which
will use 4th core).
I cannot do just VIP:80-->RS1:80, VIP:8080-->RS1:8080 because traffic
on those ports is very different.

 ====> From there

Now I have the following iptables and IPVS rules on director:
-A PREROUTING -p tcp -m multiport --dports 80,8080,9080 -j MARK --set-mark 0x1

-A -f 1 -s wlc -p 15
-a -f 1 -r RS1:0 -m -w 1
-a -f 1 -r RS2:0 -m -w 1

And iptables on real servers:
-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports
80,8080,9080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 80
-A PREROUTING -s -p tcp -m multiport --dports
80,8080,9080 -j REDIRECT --to-ports 81

So I'm missing one Squid and load balancing is separated onto both director
and real servers. I'd prefer to have it in one place - on director.

you haven't told us which parts are working and which isn't.

 to there is currently working setup.

Your setup is more complicated than I can understand without actually running the commands on a setup (which I don't have), so my reply is mostly a guess...

You have your packets going through a fwmark. It's probably in the HOWTO somewhere saying whether you can rewrite ports on a fwmarked packet (but I don't remember anyone trying

 -j REDIRECT on iptables? Or something else?

 Of course I will look into HOWTO myself.

it). I would check whether you can do that, since the information on the source port is not available to the ipvsadm if you use the fwmark format. Noone uses the RS1:0 format for ipvsadm anymore. It may or may not work for what you want.

 What format is used nowadays then? And it works for me now.



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