Hello; i'm having problems with pinging to other lan. as a test : i want to
use two ethernet links between two lans with two linux routers in between using
vrrp for redundancy. i used the configuration below. the failover works
fine. the problem is: i can ping from one lan to the interfaces in the router.
but i can't ping it from the other lan. and i cannot ping through the
loadbalancer to other lan. when i look into my arp table on a host pc i get
the phisical mac address instead of a virtual mac address. is this normal? the
two lan and routers are all in the same subnet. hope you can help me. -----1.
On director 1 vrrp_instance D1 { state MASTER interface eth0 virtual_router_id
51 priority 150 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type AH auth_pass
TEST } virtual_ipaddress { } } vrrp_instance D2 { state
BACKUP interface eth0 virtual_router_id 52 priority 100 advert_int
1 authentication { auth_type AH auth_pass TEST } virtual_ipaddress {
} } 2. On director 2 vrrp_instance D1 { state BACKUP interface
eth0 virtual_router_id 51 priority 100 advert_int 1 authentication { auth_type
AH auth_pass TEST } virtual_ipaddress { } } vrrp_instance D2
{ state MASTER interface eth0 virtual_router_id 52 priority 150 advert_int
1 authentication { auth_type AH auth_pass TEST } virtual_ipaddress
{ } }
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