On Wed, 29 Nov 2006, Julian Anastasov wrote:
NONE 84 (max/mean expire time 59/33)
FIN_WAIT 33581 (max/mean expire time 119/30)
ESTABLISHED 1784 (max/mean expire time 900/201)
CLOSE 38960 (max/mean expire time 59/29)
SYN_RECV 49 (max/mean expire time 59/30)
It sure looks like a lot of non-terminted connections.
Isn't that normal?
thanks for your calculations which give reasonable answers.
One of the problems is that the number of FIN_WAITs doesn't
drop after 5 mins of giving the realserver a weight of 0. I
would expect the FIN_WAITs to all be gone.
Thanks Joe
Are the number of inactive connections
increasing hour by hour? 33581 conns in FIN_WAIT state can mean
average of 33581/120=279 conns destroyed per second. As the
established are 1784 may be one connection remains established
for 1784/279=6.39 seconds in average??? For example, send traffic
in 1.39 seconds and close after 5 seconds of web client inactivity?
FIN_WAIT are terminated connections (from Client in the DR
case). This state exists to forward FIN retransmissions for DR/TUN and
for NAT to forward traffic from client when it is in CLOSE_WAIT/LAST_ACK
state (after the RS sent FIN and is in FIN_WAIT state).
Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>
Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at http://www.wm7d.net/azproj.shtml
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