
ldirectord not forwarding traffic

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: ldirectord not forwarding traffic
From: Kenny Dail <kend@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Dec 2006 12:59:15 -0700
So I've upgraded the entire heartbeat and ldirectord setup on one of my
load balancers. Heartbeat was at 1.2.3 and ldirectord did not yet
support -v option :) I now have Heartbeat 2.0.7 and ldirectord 1.143.
Heartbeat works as expected.
ldirectord will start ok, and query the various services and assign
weights as normal. It will accept incoming connections, but the
connections never make it to the servers behind the NAT. 
ipvsadm -L will show the connection in the inactive column. 
with --connection 
we can see the connection in the state SYN_RECV

Last time I had this problem, it was ip_forward that was off, but it is
on now.
>cat /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward

The appropriate kernel modules appear to be loaded:
> Module                  Size  Used by
> ip_vs_sed               1576  -
> ip_vs_wrr               2440  -
> ip_vs                  79680  -

iptables is running.

What else do I need to check, to get this working again?
Kenny Dail <kend@xxxxxxxxx>

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