Hi Casey,
On Thu, 2007-02-15 at 22:14 -0600, Casey Zacek wrote:
> I tried loading up a keepalived.conf with about 1400 real servers
> total, and the last 200-300 of them didn't get any health checks.
> There was no error logged that I could find. All of the healthchecks
> were "Activated" in the log, but the bottom chunk of them just didn't
> seem to happen -- all of the RSes in question were not answering HTTP,
> so they should have failed the checks, but only the first 1200 or so
> (the number would vary a little with each restart of keepalived)
> actually had any results show in the log or in 'ipvsadm -ln'.
> What are the limits of keepalived? What things can be adjusted to get
> more out of it?
hmmm... provide your conf file please, most of the time configuration
can be cleaned up by using _server_pool keywords (cf.
keepalived.conf.SYNOPSYS). But I recall a huge working conf with around
2000 realservers.
please provide a strace of the select() system call... select is great
with not lot of fd, but with around 1000 fds its ok ok... greater,
poll/epoll must be used (not yet implemented)