
Re: LVS DR increased "system CPU" and Excessive Network Traffic

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: LVS DR increased "system CPU" and Excessive Network Traffic
From: Rob <ipvsuser@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 04 Apr 2007 18:10:18 -0700
Iain Young wrote:
Hi Folks,

I've just installed a couple of machines with LVS on, using the
DR method. I also used the localnode feature, and started the
sync daemon as master on one, and backup on the other.

The nodes are functioning both as Director, and Real Servers,
and now, both machines are:

a) showing "System CPU" at around 20%, which vanishes if I kill

Is that a configuration that works for other people?

     MasterDirector      BackupDirector
           |                   |
       sync-master ------> sync-backup
           |                   |
      LocalNode(RS)            |
           ^                   |
           |                   |
Client --> DR --------->  LocalNode(RS)

with no separate real servers? I hadn't ever tried that...

Things that might help diag the problem
What is your output from:
ipvsadm -L --daemon (on master and backup)
ipvsadm -l -n --stats
ipvsadm -S -n

HA config?
if/ip config?
LVS mngmt (ldirector/keepalived/etc) config?

Anything interesting in:
fgrep -i IPVS /var/log/messages

Can you verify that you can see the multicast packets coming from the master on the backup director machine using tcpdump or equiv?

I could move the LAN traffic off to another interface, and a crossover
cable, but that really only moves the problem, and doesnt sort the
CPU system issue.

Despite what Sal said, I would definitely do anything you can to separate sync traffic from LVS Dir traffic because it will simplify your initial troubleshooting - after you find the problem, you can go back to one interface or whatever. You can use ifstat or my favorite dstat to monitor traffic per interface - dstat can give you net interface details, CPU usage, etc all in a single line. Then you can see where the bulk of the traffic is from/to.

With DR unless you have massive inbound traffic or huge overall traffic your LVS Director to Real Server traffic should be relatively low.

Best Regards


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