On Fri, 2007-08-03 at 19:39 -0400, Gerry Reno wrote:
> What's wierd is that this did not happen all the time. The only reason
> this is of concern is that I would like a reliable way to determine the
> actual state of connections and I was thinking that I could scrape
> ipvsadm output for that type of information.
In LVS-DR, because the director only ever sees one half of the
conversation, there is no completely reliable way to see the state of
connections. If you have long-lived sessions (like RDP or SSH) then
you'll see those clearly, but web session are (as I previously
explained) so short-lived in L3 terms that the director will expunge
them from the connection list as the client closes its' connection.
You can use "ipvsadm -Lnc" to see the connection list (as opposed to the
tabular form). It's described in the man page.