Hi Guys,
I'm new here, but not new on LVS.
Most of the problems/issues I had, were solvable by google or this
Now I've got an issue which looks simple, but i'm out of options.
The problem is, that i would like to connect to a virtual service from
the lvs router itself.
The only thing I have, is that the machine tries to process the request
itself. From any other machine it works fine.
I've been trying it wih firewall marks en ip route tables, but i cannot
get it working.
Here is a part of my lvs.cf file:
#### Begin of lvs.cf ####
serial_no = 1
primary =
primary_private =
service = lvs
backup_active = 1
backup =
backup_private =
heartbeat = 1
heartbeat_port = 539
keepalive = 6
deadtime = 18
network = direct
debug_level = NONE
virtual VIP-webs {
active = 1
address = eth4:2
vip_nmask =
port = 8080
use_regex = 0
send_program = "/etc/sysconfig/ha/scripts/testport %h 8080"
expect = "1"
load_monitor = none
scheduler = wlc
protocol = tcp
timeout = 10
reentry = 15
persistent = 0
quiesce_server = 0
server rs1 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1
server rs2 {
address =
active = 1
weight = 1
#### End of lvs.cf #####
Websphere is listening on port 8080 on the two realservers.
iptables is flushed. eth4 is patched in the 164.65.226 network.
So, when i'm logged in on the (also having ip,
currently the MASTER), and run "telnet 8080" I get a
connection refused message because tcp bypassess lvs (i think).
Telnet to and works fine. Telnet
from or any another machine in the same network to VIP:8080
and RIPS:8080 addressess works fine.
"uname -a"=Linux hostname 2.6.9-67.ELsmp #1 SMP Wed Nov 7 13:58:04 EST
2007 i686 athlon i386 GNU/Linux
ipvsadm = ipvsadm-1.24-6
Could you please help me?
Thanks in advance,
Rob Burkels
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