David Dyer-Bennet wrote:
> Still trying to get my first LVS config going.
This may not be helpful, but I run a bunch of stuff on vanilla domUs
F8 and never have had any trouble
- I don't mess with the default bridge or networking set up by Xen/libvirt
- I use DR, not NAT
- I use a domU for the director as well as the real servers
- I use keepalived because the only thing the director is "HA"ing is the VIPs,
so HA/ldirector seems like overkill in this case. Put the backup director on a
separate dom0.
- I have domU real servers on the same dom0 as the director and on other dom0s
and I haven't seen any problems.
- I would recommend not putting any part of the LVS stuff directly on the dom0
and seeing if that works. Also, I am a DR die hard, but I think esp. in the
case of Xen, it seems to work great, fast set up, painless.
PS - Was there ever a conclusion to the discussion sometime ago, about the new
names for the nodes types, instead of director/real server?