On Sat, 8 Mar 2014 10:04:16 +0800
yang feng电话 <hoking.yang@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> I am running gluster with native nfs, and want to configure
> loadbalance with LVS.
> I had successfully set up samba and glusterfs, but can not work with
> gluster native nfs.
> I had googled that gluster native nfs use 34865-34867 port, I added
> them into lvs configure file, but no luck to success, can anyone
> suggest me what port or other operation needed to make that happen?
> BTW, I had disabled iptables, add port
> 111/2049/24007/24008/34865-34867 to LVS config. any help is very
> appreciated.
Can you check what netstat shows when it comes to open ports?
Tomasz Chmielewski
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