

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Filesystems
From: Emmanuel Anne <emanne@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 20 Dec 1999 16:10:21 +0100 (CET)
A message was posted on this mailing list recently but it did not get any

The problem looks quite important though.
I am about to setup 2 lvs web servers. I would have liked to setup a virtual
file system for them, but there are some problems :

Using nfs is out of the question. Too slow, and if the nfs server crashes,
bye-bye everyone.

Using quota is quite expensive in memory use, even for the client. The client
seems to need about 10% of the cache size in memory ! Considering that a normal
cache should be about 100 Mb, it is 10 Mb !!!
And where to put the coda server ? On the "Liinux director" ? But then, how
will the throughput react in the network (the director receives the requests,
forward them, and at the same time servers coda requests... Is it reasonable ?).
If not setting up the coda server in the director, then I have to setup at
least 2 more servers (one server and its backup)...

And finally there is the problem about the logs. Apparently the best is to have
each web server process its log file on a local disk, and then to make stats on
both log files for the same period... It can become quite complex to handle, is
there not a way to have only one log file for all the servers ???

Please take the time to try to give me answers...
It would be very helpfull !!!

Emmanuel Anne - ABS
Tél : 01 53 45 90 93
email : emanne@xxxxxxxxxxxx
site web :

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