

To: "'lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'" <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE:
From: Paul Lantinga <prl@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 21 Mar 2002 13:21:52 -0500
> i have downloaded lvs and i read the documentation...
> Somewhere it says i should use a script to configure my
> virtual server...
> I cant find that in my distribution??
> My goals are:
> -buiding a virtual server for users which desire a web page.. 
> I want them
> to ssh in and be able to upload files, modify content..basically they
> should be able to administer their web server by their own... 
> i want them
> chrooted there...
> Is this the right software for doing this??

Let's take a step back here a second Claudiu.  You don't mention load
balancing in your goals, but you do mention 'building a virtual server'.
Do you have more than one webserver or just a single one one with
multiple virtual webservers (as in lots of different websites)?  lvs is
a virtual server in that it provides a virtual service for a real
server.  Depending on your needs, lvs may or may not be what you need or

For example, if I only had 2 apache servers and didn't have extra
hardware for an lvs implementation, I would use the mod_backhand apache
module that balances loads between apache webservers.  You can always
grow that into an LVS implementation.

Am I way off here and not understanding what you're asking here?


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