
Re: mysql lvs

To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: mysql lvs
From: "Michael McConnell" <michaelm@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 10 Jun 2002 15:21:16 -0700
The method you have described has some unique advantages over current
methods of MySQL replication, the main point being a, "No Master," method of
Redundancy, something which I believe most engineers would prefer.

There are some issues associated with such a configuration that would make
implementation alot more difficult that one would think, the obvious issues
that come to my mind our;

   - Imbalance response times, as a write is a blocking operation, one would
have to wait for both MySQL systems to return before proceeded. One would
surely experience increased latency.
    - Message handling, let us say for instance one MySQL server returned,
OK, whereas the other returned a Error Message. How will you handle this?
    - Failure of one system. Once a system has failed and is out of sync,
what then? Can you simply turn the entire system off to perform a sync?

    This idea has been tossed around by many people in the database world,
being that of; MySQL, PostGreSQL and even Oracle. Yet to my best knowledge
there is no solid implementation of such a scheme. There are some great
advantages to such a system, but mainly only from a Redundancy standpoint.

There is performance to be gained by such a configuration, if for example
your database did largely reads, one could have Writes performed to both,
but reads performed using some type of round robin. (Not there would have to
be more reads than writes for any performance gain (Again writes are
blocking)). Another thing to note is the performance gain does not scale,
going from 2 systems, too 3 systems would gain less, as would going from 3
systems to 4 systems.


----- Original Message -----
From: "BrianJackson" <brian-lists@xxxxxxxx>
To: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, June 10, 2002 10:07 AM
Subject: mysql lvs

> I was wondering if it is possible to route all traffic to 2 servers
> mysql and that way all the traffic would hit bith mysql servers and
> hopefully they would both then contain the same data at all times. I think
> it would have to be NAT setup and only the acks and other connection
> would go back through from one of the mysql servers. If this is just crazy
> talk let me know but please be kind enough to let me know why. I am really
> interested in setting up some kind of mysql lvs.
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