
Re: Suggestions Please

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: Suggestions Please
From: Bobby Johns <bobbyj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 09 Sep 2002 15:34:04 -0500
At 02:58 PM 9/9/2002, you wrote:
I am wanting to run RedHat 7.3 on the load-balancers along with the Ultramonkey 2.0 RPMs. The exception would be getting a proper kernel (preferably a RedHat-released ones -OR- close to it) on the load balancers (LB1, LB2). I am wondering who else is successfully running RedHat 7.3 on the balancers and what package/software sets they are running.

The bottom line here is that Red Hat 7.3 has the required LVS patches installed already. All that is really needed to get the kernel and binaries needed to run LVS is to build ipvadm from the Red Hat kernel source RPM. So after you install the kernel-source RPM (rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.4.18-10.rpm) change to the ipvsadm dir in the source and run "make", then "make install". After that you can follow the HOW-TO documentation (after kernel patching & configuration) for the proper setup for your situation.

To recap:

1. Install corrasponding Red Hat kernel source for your currently installed kernel

                rpm -Uvh kernel-source-2.4.18-10.rpm

        2. Build and install ipvsadm.
                cd /usr/src/linux-2.4/net/ipv4/ipvs/ipvsadm
                make install

You should be good to go. The only caveat I have is that you will NOT be running the most currently released Netfilter (ipvs) and ipvsadm, just what Red Hat has decided is stable with their other patches. Currently that's ipvsadm v1.20 2001/11/04 (compiled with popt and IPVS v0.9.7) I would suggest getting it working with the above described versions and HOW-TO, then decide if you require the absolute newest versions.

The debate of which version is critical (and for what reasons) is beyond the scope of this small reply. If there is no serious performance improvement, security hole plugged, or feature you require, why change it? For me this version is running well, and I haven't seen anything compelling enough in the change log for ipvs or ipvsadm to make me brave the pain of change.

Hope this helps.

Bobby Johns

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