
Again this comes up... :-)

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Again this comes up... :-)
From: Matt.Gregory@xxxxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 11 Sep 2002 16:20:40 -0400
At one time I had an issue with default routes from the realservers being
blown away and not being able to get directly to them through our firewall.

I had thought previously that this was due to my having the wrong director
IP in the realserver rc.lvs_dr configuration script, but that does not seem
to be the case.  I have set the variable SERVER_GW to my default gateway
and I know that the install_realserver_gw funciton is being called from

I'm suspicious of this output from the rv.lvs_dr configure script:

routing for table VIP
default via dev eth0
routing for table RIP dev eth0  scope link  src
default via dev eth0

If that means that my realserver ip ( is routing through my
director ( then that is wrong, because the director isn't my
gateway.  I didn't write the configuration script to use the director as
gateway either...

Anyhow, what should I change here to get the proper default gateway
configured on my realserver(s)?

BTW, neither if the commands "route add default gw" or "route add gw" has any effect, packets are still not routed

Matt Gregory
Web Developer
CTI, Inc.
cell: 678-458-6513
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