
Re: SYN / ACK Problems 2nd try

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: SYN / ACK Problems 2nd try
From: Johan van den Berg <vdberj@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 28 Feb 2005 12:12:01 +0200

Simon Schwendemann wrote:

the symptom is simple - all sites are offline.
in the ipvsadm -Ln output where normally 5-25
active connections are living, 0-3 are listed
as active, the amount of inactive connections
seems to be still normally...the affected protocols
are only http and https - pop,imap,smtp and other
protocols we are running at the director seem
to work without these offtimes...

a tcpdump analysis showed us that sometimes the
ACK packets are rewritten from the realserver ip
to the vip, and sometimes (!!) _NOT_! maybe this
is the reason, maybe there are also other issues!?

Are you using LVS-DR, and if so, how are you gaurding
against the real-servers advertising the VIP?

No, I forgot to add we are using lvs-nat, I think this problem affects only lvs-nat setups (?) ...

And I can now confirm, after replacing NAT with LVS-DR, that the problem is gone. Horms, do you guys have any ideas on this yet?

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