
Re: LVS, Bridge & TP

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: LVS, Bridge & TP
From: Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 24 Sep 2005 14:21:49 -0700 (PDT)

I don't know if what I'm posting are nonsenses or if it's really as obscure that nobody understands me, but I feel really sad because nobody says absolutely nothing.

I'm sorry you aren't getting what you need.

If it helps here's why I didn't respond.

o I don't have much time. I answer here for free in an attempt to help people. I can spend my time other ways, fix the car, mow the lawn, play with my kid, earn extra money.

o If I can't see the solution straight away I just go on to the next posting.

o you have a complicated setup that would take me quite some time to understand. You appear to have set it up all at once and expect it to work. Unless you are superman, you would have to test each stage separately - maybe you've done that already.

If you're looking for people with little time to answer your problem, you're going to have to present it in bits that the person who you hope will respond, can understand what's happening just looking at the posting without having to ask you more questions and without going back and forward through the posting.

If you really have a complicated problem, you'll probably had to bash away at it yourself, and then post the solution here, where it will get into the HOWTO, and will be used by the next person who has a similar problem.

Hope you figure it out


Joseph Mack NA3T EME(B,D), FM05lw North Carolina
jmack (at) wm7d (dot) net - azimuthal equidistant map
generator at Homepage It's GNU/Linux!

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