
Re: outbound nat problem

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: outbound nat problem
From: Graeme Fowler <graeme@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 8 Dec 2005 14:40:19 +0000
On Thu 08 Dec 2005 13:38:58 GMT , Joseph Mack NA3T <jmack@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Mark de Vries isn't having this problem. He's using a 2.6
kernel though (I think)

...neither am I, and I'm using 2.6 too.

However I think one fundamentally different thing between this setup and mine (and Mark's, and many others out here in the wild) is that Rob's system has NAT (port forwarding, inbound NAT, DNAT, call it what you will) in front of his director.

The director itself does *not* have a public IP, and if I have read Rob's emails properly then the public IP which is on the external side of his router is not on the director at all. It's like this (using Rob's amended description):

Router: 198.x.x.x     (public interface)
Router: ?.?.?.?       (DMZ interface)

DIPdmz: (director DMZ interface)
VIP: (director DMZ interface)

DIPlan:    (director LAN interface)

RIP:     (realserver LAN interface)

Reading between the lines, Rob is using LVS-NAT on the director but that hasn't been stated clearly.

It looks to me like that additional NAT step is the problem - if the director has no knowledge of the *real* VIP, how can it predictably handle the PORT command for either active or passive mode? Also, is the router itself doing something fancy or is it just doing straight port forwarding? Looks to me like the mix of the two systems is causing your problems here.


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