
Re: Question regarding ldirectord and running ipvsadm to manually pull a

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Question regarding ldirectord and running ipvsadm to manually pull a real server out of rotation
From: Horms <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:36:53 +0900 (JST)
On Thu, 07 Sep 2006 19:14:41 -0700, Victor Chang wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have a linux director running ldirectord pointing to 5 real web 
> servers. checkinterval is set at 10, checktimeout is at 5 
> and authreload is set to yes.
> My questions is, with configured to have all 5 real 
> servers in rotation (quiescent=yes), when I run ipvsadm to manually take 
> 4 server out of rotation (say, server02 through server05) by setting the 
> weight to 0, will ldirectord automatically put the yanked servers back 
> in the rotation?  I am assuming that ldirectord _should not_ put 
> server02 through server05 back in rotation, but I am seeing the yanked 
> servers would be back on rotation anywhere between 5 minutes to a day. 
> Perhaps this is triggered by other events unrelated to ldirectord?
> Your feedbacks are greatly appreciated.

ldirectord should only alter the IPVS kernel table (using ipvsadm)
at the following times.

  * At start, restart, or automatic or manual configuration reload 
    - At stop ipvsadm tries to remove all the real and virtual servers
      that it manages, if they are present in the IPVS kernel table,
      which they usually are.
    - At each of the other times it looks at the current IPVS kernel
      and turns it into what it thinks it should be. This includes
      adding and deleting both real servers and virtual services,
      and adjusting weights as neccessary.

  * If the state of a real sever test changes - that is a real
    server goes from being up to down or vice versa.
    - At this time it add, delete or adjust the weight of the
      real server in question as appropriate.

To my knowledge it does not periodically audit the table and fix things
up. So your manual changes should stay in place unless one of the two
events listed above are occuring.


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