
Re: Director and Real servers on different networks

To: " users mailing list." <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Director and Real servers on different networks
From: "Vittorio R. Tracy" <vrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 11 Oct 2006 16:45:13 +0200
On Wed, 2006-10-11 at 11:11 -0300, Andre Nathan wrote:
> Hello
> I have an LVS-DR setup which is working correctly like this:
>        +--------------+
>        | LVS director |
>        +--------------+
>          /    |    \
>         /     |     \
>        /      |      \
>     +---+   +---+
>     |   |   |   |    ...
>     +---+   +---+
>         Real servers
> The director and the real servers are all on the same network (say,
> a.b.c.0/24) and share an IP address (say, a.b.c.d) for the load-balanced
> service.
> Now, we're migrating to a new range of IPs (say, x.y.z.0/24). I've tried
> adding a new real server (which has its real IP on the new range, say,
> x.y.z.w) to the existing configuration (that is, added a.b.c.d as an
> address to a dummy interface).
> The configuration seems to be working correctly (i.e., the connections
> are redirected to this new server). However, ipvsadm always reports the
> number of active connections as 0 for that server, and thus all new
> connections are being redirected to it, and none to the pre-existing
> servers (I'm using the wlc algorithm).
> Is this a supported configuration? Is there some assumption made by
> ipvsadm on the servers being all on the same network, or that dummy
> interface addresses and real addresses must be on the same network?
> The director kernel version is 2.6.12, and ipvsadm is 1.24.

Why don't you send output from these on your director: 

ipvsadm -l --numeric
route -n

And maybe these on the one realserver:
route -n

> Thanks in advance,
> Andre
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Vittorio R. Tracy <vrt@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Fastmetrics LLC

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