--Ursprüngliche Nachricht-- Von: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Thank you. now i have the last piece of puzzle ;) Stefan _______________________________________________ Please read the documentati
--Ursprüngliche Nachricht-- Von: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> Sure, but this is done automatically as by the SRC-NAT, the real-servers will automatically send the answer to the source back. No n
Sorry, I missed your point. As the return packets will be addressed to the linux-director I think that you are correct and that a default (or other) route via the linux-director should not be necessa
Return packets still need to travel through the linux-director as the Full-NAT as the address translations need to be reversed. _______________________________________________ Please read the documen
--Ursprüngliche Nachricht-- Von: Simon Horman <horms@xxxxxxxxxxxx> So the linux-director does not have to be the default-gw for the real-servers anymore with Full-NAT? Stefan ________________________
Traditionally IPVS-NAT has worked in the form of destination-NAT, that is modifying the destination IP address to that of the real-server. This works well for in a wide range of circumstances. More r
Dear IPVS Users & Developers, i followed with much interest the development of IPVS. Thank you for this great piece of software. Previosly there was a new method introduced - called FullNAT. I can no