while figuring out how to handle sync-created connections, here is a
hopefully harmless patch that makes the user aware which connections are
local and which received using /proc/net/ip_vs_conn_sync. According to
my experience so far it is useful be able to distinguish which
connections are simply inactive which synced.
# ipvsadm -ln
IP Virtual Server version 1.2.1 (size=4096)
Prot LocalAddress:Port Scheduler Flags
-> RemoteAddress:Port Forward Weight ActiveConn InActConn
TCP wlc
-> Route 999 1 1
-> Route 995 1 1
# cat /proc/net/ip_vs_conn_sync
Pro FromIP FPrt ToIP TPrt DestIP DPrt State Origin Expires
TCP C0A8000A B00D C0A800DE 170C C0A80033 170C ESTABLISHED LOCAL 899
TCP C0A8000A B009 C0A800DE 170C C0A80032 170C ESTABLISHED LOCAL 856
TCP C0A8000A B00C C0A800DE 170C C0A80032 170C ESTABLISHED SYNC 899
TCP C0A8000A B00B C0A800DE 170C C0A80033 170C ESTABLISHED SYNC 897
So No inactive connections here.