The IPVS patch version 0.9.10 is available for testing. :)
Virtual Server patch for Linux 2.2.14 - Version 0.9.10 - April 9, 2000
* Julian added the droprate and secure_tcp defense strategies.
* The dropentry defense strategy was revisited.
* The fwmark service lookup was added by Horms, Julian and Wensong
Use a firewall-marking to denote a virtual service instead of a
triplet <protocol,addr,port>. The marking of packets with a
firewall-mark is done by firewalling code. This feature can be
used to build a virtual service assoicated to different IP
addresses or port numbers, but sharing the same real servers, such
as multiple-homed LVS.
Many thanks must go to Julian and Horms to make this version available.
P.S. The document about how to use three defense strategies (dropentry,
droprate and secure_tcp) against DoS attack will come up on the website
later. I will post the URL after it is done. Thanks!