
Re: data-sychronization and file service?

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: data-sychronization and file service?
From: Andreas Schiffler <aschiffler@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 15:53:06 -0400
John Cronin wrote:
Has anybody done anything clever about data-synchronization in conjunction
with LVS?
If you use a mirroring approach (master website somewhere that gets mirrored onto the LVS real-servers) one could device a simple script th take care of this.

The script would take half of the servers offline (using ipvsadm on the director), mirror the website onto this half, put it abck online while taking the other half of the servers offline, mirroring the onto the second half, and put these online again.  That should provide (almost) uninterruptable service.

Does anyone have such a script or any experience with such a setup? What's the effect when running "ipvsadm -D some_service" during a fully running system? Is there the possibility of "starving" the use of one of the servers before taking them offline?


|  Andreas Schiffler                    aschiffler@xxxxxxxx  |
|  Senior Systems Engineer    -    Deskplayer Inc., Buffalo  |
|  4707 Eastwood Cres., Niagara Falls, Ont  L2E 1B4, Canada  |
|  +1-905-371-3652 (private)  -  +1-905-371-8834 (work/fax)  |

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