
Re: data-sychronization and file service? Web approach

Subject: Re: data-sychronization and file service? Web approach
Cc: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: Andreas Schiffler <aschiffler@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 05 May 2000 17:35:05 -0400
Emmanuel Paré wrote:
Why doing just the half?  Sync all servers in (one shoot) with an app like fmirror, rsync, ...
Yes, I would  "rsync" the changes onto the servers. But what happens when you update a large file, say a downloadable binary. All clients that are accessing the file during the update would likely receive garbage.

This "one half first, second half next" approach is simply there to ensure consistency in whatever web pages are beeing served - and there is some merit in that, especially when serving large files, binaries, etc. where garbage transmissions could even be harmful on the client end.

The question is, what happens to the clients who are connected when I drop a server entry on the director and if there is a nicer way - maybe by manipulating the weights of the scheduler - to "gradually" take a server offline for updating purposes.

And thanks for the script Emmanuel.


|  Andreas Schiffler                    aschiffler@xxxxxxxx  |
|  Senior Systems Engineer    -    Deskplayer Inc., Buffalo  |
|  4707 Eastwood Cres., Niagara Falls, Ont  L2E 1B4, Canada  |
|  +1-905-371-3652 (private)  -  +1-905-371-8834 (work/fax)  |

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