My table size is 2^18. I have approximately 40M of free memory. When my
total number of active & inactive connnections (as reported by ipvsadm)
approaches 4000 the following message starts to appear in the log and
connection speed slows dramatically.
kernel: IP_MASQ:ip_masq_new(proto=TCP): could not get free masq entry
The system is running in NAT mode. Other parameters:
LVS machine: PIII/500/64M with 4 Intel Etherexpress 10/100s (1 external IP,
2 private IP, 1 heartbeat). There real servers are PIII/500/256M with 2
3Com905 10/100s. There are 7 real servers. Both NICS on each real server
have traffic routed to them (evenly weighted). Only one of the private NIC
cards on the virtual server is used at any time (the other is a failover).
thanks - d