Jeremy Hansen wrote:
> Hmm, what do you have on your *real server*,
These are solaris boxes .... All I have to do there is to add a route to my
server for all packets
going to clients. (which actually passed thru the NAT)
> Do you have a loopback interface defined on the real servers that point to
> the virtual address in the linux director machine, or is this not needed
> when using fwmark?
Real servers dont need anything other than to think that the Director is the
route for
all return packets
to clients.
> Also I see that your port in your ipvsadm output is 0. Can you explain
> this?
I dont specify any ports , simply use the fwmarks. In the ivvsadm commands, I
use -f
<marknumber> for all the virtual service addresses.
> Thanks!