
Re: Taking the right decision ?

To: "Joseph Mack" <mack.joseph@xxxxxxx>, "Antonio Navarro Navarro" <hostmaster@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Taking the right decision ?
Cc: <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
From: "Ted Pavlic" <tpavlic@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2000 11:36:23 -0400
> >> I want to set up a Fail Tolerant System with two computers running
> >> Linux 6.2. The services that will run in the servers are : http, ftp,
> >> smtp. I have been reading Howtos and FAQ's of LVS, Piranha, GFS, Coda,
> >> HeartBeat, etc.... but still are unable to take a decision regarding
> >> applications to use for this system.
> >
> >Last I heard GFS and Coda aren't being used in production systems yet

While GFS and Coda may not be viable production solutions just yet, don't
leave out NFS. You might have to work-around some of NFS's shortcomings, but
NFS will work in such an environment.

> Do you know of any package that I can use in order to mirror the hard disk
> of two Linux servers ? (If possible with RPM's for installation)

Now by "mirror" are you referring to a RAID-1 mirror? If so, it's possible
to use NBD (network block device) with Linux's software RAID support to
setup a RAID-1 mirror from one disk on one machine to another disk on
another machine. You will only be able to access one of these disks at a
time though. The idea is if one machine goes down you'll be able to mount
the disk on the other machine and have it pick right up after the machine
that just went down. If you're interested in this solution, look into DRBD.
(Distributed Replicated Block Device) A quick DRBD link:

Now if by "mirror" you're just looking for a network filesystem, (like Coda
or GFS) it might be easiest and most feasible to just use NFS at this point.

I hope that gives you some ideas.

All the best --

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