
Re: problems under "load"...

To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: Re: problems under "load"...
From: Laurent Lefoll <Laurent.Lefoll@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 05 Nov 2000 16:22:33 +0100
So, just to be sure I understand everything, I can have a total 40960 entries
(default value or depending on the amount of memory ?) but only 4096 to any
external service. I suppose it's the same for TCP ? When you say 40960 total
entries, is it only for one protocol (so 40960 UDP + 40960 TCP) or is it for
both protocol ? 
I agree that in my case an internal DNS will be the best solution and I plan to
do that, but in the case I would like to play whith these values, do I need to
look in the source code, or is there a way to tune them "dynamically" ?

Are there some documents or links which could have answered these questions ? 

Best Regards,
Laurent LE FOLL

Julian Anastasov wrote:
>         Hello,
> On Fri, 3 Nov 2000, Laurent Lefoll wrote:
> > Hi,
> >
> > I installed LVS some weeks ago with to real servers (mail servers) and
> > it works properly but under some conditions, when the load increase I
> > sometimes got a "kernel: IP_MASQ: ip_masq_new(proto=UDP): could not get
> > free masq entry (free=36692)". The UDP entries are in my case the result
> > of lots of DNS queries.
> > What does it mean exactly ? Lack of memory or not enough "available"
> > ports to create new entries ? What does mean the "(free=xxxx)" in the
> > error messages ?
>         Not enough ports. free=36692 means 4268 used UDP entries from
> total of 40960. But there is another implicit limit of 4096 connections
> to one external service.
> > I think I read somewhere that, by default, for LVS the first usable port
> > is 61000 and that only 4096 simultaneous entries can be created. But it
> > sounds strange to me because from what I understand in some discussions,
> > it seems to be much more than that ! What am I misunderstanding and what
> > should I tune ?
>         Yes, from the masq box to any external service can exit up to
> 4096 masqueraded "connections". Is the DNS server running on external
> host? If yes, try to run internal DNS server, for example, on the masq
> box.
> > Regards,
> >
> > Laurent Le Foll
> Regards
> --
> Julian Anastasov <ja@xxxxxx>

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