
RE: How to manage External Storage?

To: <Benyamin.Wongprasert@xxxxxxxxxxx>, <lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: RE: How to manage External Storage?
From: "Clint Byrum" <cbyrum@xxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 8 Nov 2000 17:24:28 -0800
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Benyamin.Wongprasert@xxxxxxxxxxx
> [mailto:Benyamin.Wongprasert@xxxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Wednesday, November 08, 2000 9:59 AM
> To: lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> Subject: How to manage External Storage?
> Hi all,
> I want some suggestion about my external storage & filesystem.
> I have 1 external storage(Compaq Raid Array 4100) connected 2 linux
> server(Compaq Proliant ML530) via fibre channel.
> I mount the same patition to both server

Yowzahs! Big bucks there. I'm jealous..... ;)

> =============================================================
> [root@LINUX1 /root]# more /etc/fstab
> /dev/ida/c0d0p1         /                       ext2    defaults
>       1 1
<snip fstab listings>
> ==============================================================
> when I copy file to the external storage by using server #1(LINUX1) and
> then 'ls -l' I can see the file
> but I can't see the file immediately when I see from LINUX2.I must unmount
> & mount it before.
> 1.What should I do If I want to see the files that create by the other
> server immediately? and What the filesystem that I must use?

This is why we have such things as drbd, and in the (near?) future, GFS. GFS
is definitely more like what you're looking for.
is the home page. As I understand it, its not 100% production ready, but it
might be more reliable than what you're attempting now, which is simply
impossible(mounting ext2 on two seperate machines at once).

> when I copy file to the external storage by using LINUX1 and also copy
> another file to the external storage by using LINUX2 at the
> same patition(same mount point)
> ==============================================================
>           LINUX1                         LINUX2
>           copy a.txt to /ra4100/lun1          copy b.txt to /ra4100/lun1
> 'ls' will see  a.txt                          b.txt
> If I unmount & mount the /ra4100/lun1 at LINUX1 first, the file a.txt will
> be lost
> 'ls' will see  b.txt                          b.txt
> and If I unmount & mount the /ra4100/lun1 at LINUX2 first, the file b.txt
> will be lost
> 'ls' will see  a.txt                          a.txt
> ==============================================================
> 2.How can I prevent this error? 'my file is very important'. If It lost
> maybe my boss will fine me! :-(
> I plan to use piranha (FOS) if I can't mount the same patition at the same
> time.I think I will use piranha to activate the patition at a time.
> Anyone have any comment and suggestion please reply this mail....
> Thanks a lot :-)
> Benyamin W.

See above...

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