
Re: Can M$ Win 2000 be a Real Server ?

To: Wenzhuo Zhang <wenzhuo@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: Can M$ Win 2000 be a Real Server ?
Cc: 2598 [·s³Ó9¯] <2598@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>, lvs-users@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
From: ratz <ratz@xxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 14 Nov 2000 14:26:02 +0100
Hi Wenzhuo,

> I suppose it should be:
>         route delete <VIP's network> mask <VIP's netmask>

Makes definitely more sense ;) Joe, could you change this
please? Anyway it is not needed since it works without 
deleting this route. The few NT systems I had to setup, I
never deleted this route.
> >  This will make the packets destined for this network will
> >  go through the other network interface, not this MS Loopback
> >  interface.
> >
> >  As I remember, setting its netmask to also works.
> >
> It works, but hosts inside the VIP's subnet will not be able to
> connect to the real server. If you've got any host inside the vip's
> subnet (not matter how small it is), you'll have to delete its subnet
> route.

Are you sure? Maybe I missunderstood you statement or NT's routing
table parsing or I simply cannot follow you. As far as I tested it
(although mostly with different Unices) I had no problem connecting
to the realserver within the netmask of the VIP. However you cannot
connect to the VIP within the cluster but this is a different cup
of beer.

Best regards,
Roberto Nibali, ratz

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